Title: [Exclusive] Blackpink, attending a college festival in May....first festival schedule since debut

Source: Naver

Date posted: March 14, 2017


1.) [+189][-13] Of all the recent girl groups, they're one of the most talented...you can barely hear the voices of the other girl groups when watching music shows, but you can clearly hear their voices

2.) [+171][-7] A May comeback???  I guess this is how they reveal their comeback date!!

3.) [+169][-8] They're really good....come to my school

4.) [+153][-9] A comeback in May...?

5.) [+145][-8] Looks like it'll be crazy in Hongdae again...ㅋㅋ

6.) [+99][-7] Blackpink attending a college festival...daebak

7.) [+95][-7] OMG I seriously love you ㅠ

8.) [+84][-5] Daebak ㅋ I like this

9.) [+89][-7] Wow~~~~~ A comeback, finally~~ I've been waiting for an article about a comeback

10.) [+81][-6] This wasn't even posted on the main page, but the antis that rushed over...tsk ㅋㅋㅋ pathetic

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