Title: IZ*ONE + Blackpink + Twice, 'girl group big bang' for April

Source: Naver

Date posted: March 31, 2019


1.) [+336][-174] Our BP, hwaiting~  Hwaiting for the other groups as well~^

2.) [+275][-144] Twice, hwaiting!!!  Really looking forward to the comeback in April  Hwaiting for the other groups as well!

3.) [+189][-75] Blackpink, hwaiting.  I'll always be cheering you on.  I wish the other singers success as well, hwaiting!!

4.) [+148][-46] Finally, Blackpink will be back soon

5.) [+142][-52] I love you, Blackpink

6.) [+234][-166] Blackpink is the best 

7.) [+118][-68] IZ*ONE + Violetta, let's hit daebak

8.) [+67][-17] Really looking forward to Blackpink!!

9.) [+94][-50] IZ*ONE, hwaiting.  Let's hit daebak with this album as well!!!!

10.) [+75][-31] IZ*ONE, hwaiting 

11.) [+40][-8] BP

12.) [+54][-23] IZ*ONE~~~

13.) [+56][-30] IZ*ONE...it won't be easy, but hwaiting on your comeback!  You're the best 

14.) [+39][-15] IZ*ONE, let's hit daebak with this comeback 

15.) [+37][-14] Blackpink 


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