Title: Blackpink's advice for spring makeup..."alluring lips"

Source: Naver

Date posted: February 20, 2018


1.) [+113][-6] ChuChaeng, so pretty ㅎㅎ

2.) [+99][-5] Wow, the ChuChaeng combo is so pretty

3.) [+83][-4] Pretty

4.) [+85][-10] Chaeyoung looks better in person

5.) [+80][-9] Chaeng ㅠㅠ So pretty

6.) [+23][-1] Aren't Rosé and Jisoo too pretty ㅠㅠㅠ

7.) [+19][-1] Seriously so pretty ㅋㅋ

8.) [+17][-0] Seriously.  No matter how hard you try...you just can't help but like Blackpink ㅠㅠ Let's quickly meet again with a comeback!

9.) [+18][-2] Rosé

10.) [+16][-2] Rosé


Title: Blackpink Jisoo&Rosé, 'sexy lips' that grab your attention

Source: Naver

Date posted: February 20, 2018


1.) [+148][-6] ChuChaeng, so pretty~

2.) [+125][-5] Jisoo, Rosé

3.) [+117][-7] Jisoo, so pretty

4.) [+107][-5] Hul, Jisoo's visuals

5.) [+93][-4] Rosé+Jisoo~~~I love you

6.) [+28][-1] Jisoo and Rosé for 'Céci' and Jennie for 'Elle'~~ They're getting on the covers for all the magazines! ㅋㅋㅋ Our Blackpink is cooler than the models~~  These pretty kids are a wall

7.) [+26][-2] Such pretty kids

8.) [+25][-1] 'Magazine-dols'

9.) [+22][-3] ChuChaeng's visuals...so pretty

10.) [+19][-1] How are they able to be so luxurious looking...their auras are amazing

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