Title: "Free of the mysterious image"...Blackpink, 'BP TV' new teaser released...broadcast will begin in December
Source: Naver
Date posted: November 23, 2017
1.) [+124][-3] They're so pretty and cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Our Blackpink, do everything you want to do!!! Let's walk only the flower path!!
2.) [+109][-3] So cute ㅠㅠ So it's not called 'BP TV' but 'BP House'...looking forward to it!!
3.) [+98][-3] WAAAAAAA daebak
4.) [+91][-3] Let's hit daebak!! Blackpink
5.) [+85][-4] I love you Blackpink~~~
6.) [+30][-1] Our wish has been granted ㅎ a reality show
7.) [+26][-1] It's fine if you're pretty~ Pretty kids, do everything you want to do!!!!
8.) [+22][-0] I'm so happy. Blackpink, do everything you want to do~~
9.) [+24][-1] Just looking at their average visuals, they're the best. And their skills as artists are top notch as well. The way I see it, it won't be long until they become a top girl group
10.) [+24][-1] I wish December would come soon ㅠㅠㅠㅠ It already looks like a lot of fun based on teaser!
Title: "Removing the mysterious veil"...Blackpink, solo reality show to air in December
Date posted: November 23, 2017
1.) [+144][-4] What about their comeback ㅠ Twice, Red Velvet and GFriend made 3 comebacks this year...and we only got one song, 'AIIYL'...isn't this too much? At this rate, we'll lose fans ㅠ
2.) [+116][-6] JenChuLiChaeng, do everything you want to do
3.) [+86][-4] Oh yeah~
4.) [+82][-5] Our JenChuLiChaeng are so cute and pretty and just perfect
5.) [+77][-6] You're all so pretty so do everything you want to do
6.) [+20][-2] Really looking forward to 'BP TV'...but give us comebacks as well...it's like we're all barely surviving...Lisa...your new hair color is so pretty...take care not to get a cold...I'll be cheering Blackpink on whenever...
7.) [+16][-1] We've all been waiting ㅎㅎ
8.) [+15][-1] Wow, they're seriously all goddesses
9.) [+14][-1] 'Blackpink House', let's do well!!
10.) [+9][-0] Finally a reality show ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Title: Blackpink, 'Blackpink House', shedding the mysterious image "Blinks, wait for us"
Date posted: November 23, 2017
1.) [+149][-6] Looking forward to it~ ㅎㅎ
2.) [+147][-12] Releasing 1 song in 2017...you really have no conscience, YG. What'd you do for an entire year with this amazing rookie
3.) [+116][-4] I was looking forward to 'BP TV' and they've finally released something ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I wish they'd come back soon as well
4.) [+94][-4] Always hwaiting
5.) [+85][-11] For a major label, YG sucks at pushing their artists...I have no idea where all their money actually goes. YG has a lot money but they don't make Blackpink merch and don't release albums...you don't really have a successful group after Bigbang and Blackpink could be that next group but even their Japan advancement was literally just a debut and nothing after that.
6.) [+15][-0] I wish they'd have a comeback with the start of 'Blackpink House'...how is it that they only have 1 song for an entire year...
7.) [+19][-2] Just when will they have a comeback
8.) [+15][-1] Our Blackpink ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Finally, their first reality show ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Looking forward to it ㅠㅠㅠ I wish they'd make a comeback soon as well ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
9.) [+12][-0] When will they release a new song?
10.) [+15][-2] Finally!! I wish they'd have a comeback along with the reality show and do really well!!
Title: Blackpink's reality show, 'Blackpink House'
Date posted: November 23, 2017
1.) [+154][-9] Blackpink
2.) [+135][-8] Looking forward to 'Blackpink House'
3.) [+118][-12] JenJenJenJennie
4.) [+92][-7] Yay
5.) [+74][-6] Will it be aired through MNET? JTBC?
6.) [+23][-2] Blackpink, hwaiting
7.) [+20][-2] Blackpink, show us a lot of your cute sides...although you're all cute just standing still ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8.) [+14][-0] Looking forward to it
9.) [+14][-0] Blackpink ㅠㅠㅠ A comeback please
10.) [+18][-2] Jendeuk is so cute