Title: Blackpink, guesting on 'Young Street' today...first time radio appearance [Official]
Source: Naver
Date posted: June 26, 2017
1.) [+79][-1] A radio appearance..that's crazy ㅠㅠ thanks YG and send them out on more broadcasts ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
2 .) [+70][-1] Not only are they pretty and sing well but they also talk well ㅋㅋㅋ Please bring them out more
3.) [+60][-1] Wow a radio appearance!!!! I'm definitely tuning in!! It's their first appearance, but based on their variety show appearances so far, it's going to be fun
4.) [+60][-2] I've downloaded the app and am looking forward to it
5.) [+59][-4] Hyun Suck...has your treasure box been broken?...keep giving them more schedules as you're doing now...then I'll say your name properly, 'Hyun Suk'
6.) [+27][-0] Our Blackpink babies who are pretty and sing well!!! ㅠㅠ I'm so happy lately because we get to see them more often!!
7.) [+26][-0] Blackpink is guesting ㅋ
8.) [+23][-0] Today's the day we get to see Blackpink, I like it like it
9.) [+23][-0] Let's do well
10.) [+21][-0] Right after this, their segment on 'One Night TV Entertainment' will air...looking forward to seeing them eat ㅋ
Title: "Blackpink - aegyo = 0"...'Young Street' Blackpink, a loveliness that attracts the stans
Date posted: June 26, 2017
1.) [+122][-5] Wow ㅋㅋㅋ godJisoo ㅋㅋㅋ
2.) [+110][-5] Jisoo is really cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3.) [+98][-3] They're all so cute and pretty
4.) [+91][-3] They're all so cute ㅠㅠㅠ
5.) [+85][-4] Jennie is so charming
6.) [+29][-0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Lisa "a lion" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7.) [+31][-2] Rosé is seriously so cute
8.) [+23][-0] Blackpink came on as I was leaving work ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
9.) [+26][-2] I really like the song ㅠㅠ
10.) [+18][-1] Seriously Blackpink...they're so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Title: 'Young Street' Blackpink Jisoo "YG, he makes sure to watch all our stuff"
Date posted: June 26, 2017
1.) [+124][-4] When Jisoo sang 'Untitled'...I like it so much
2.) [+100][-4] Blackpink <3
3.) [+95][-3] Jisoo is so pretty
4.) [+86][-2] Blackpink is the best
5.) [+81][-1] I really like Jisoo~~ She's nice, bright, pretty and sings well
6.) [+33][-1] Blackpink is one of the groups I really like. The members are all individually charming and it really makes me wonder how YG was able to produce a group like this. I hope they'll be around for a long time
7.) [+27][-0] I wonder if YG reads these comments as well..don't close the treasure box from now on
8.) [+26][-0] Jisoo noona is pretty
9.) [+23][-0] I hope they'll appear a lot more on broadcasts and radio...if not, at least give us Blackpink TV...I was happy for the hour
10.) [+23][-1] Blackpink in your area
Title: 'Young Street' Blackpink "A tough image? Honestly a bunch of bubbly kids"
Date posted: June 26, 2017
1.) [+395][-23] 'As if it's your last' is on repeat ㅠㅠ I really like the song...and it's even better hearing them performing it on stage
2.) [+310][-17] I like the different charms of all 5 songs they've released so far. It makes you look forward to the future releases. I wonder what kind of song they'll have next
3.) [+270][-17] I really like their song!! Let's do well
4.) [+217][-14] Blackpink on the radio!!!
5.) [+225][-18] The song is so addicting^^ I really like all of them^^
6.) [+75][-4] Is their live for real...Jennie's tone is crazy
7.) [+76][-8] Usually singers make a comeback with 1 title track + 4~5 b side tracks....not sure if it's a promotional tactic, but Blackpink continues to come back with only 1~2 songs, but their songs are quality work...they've only released 5 songs so far but all of them have done well
8.) [+63][-4] A perfect girl group...the talent, visuals, personalities...there's nothing lacking
9.) [+61][-6] I'm watching it live right now and they're ridiculously pretty~
10.) [+51][-4] Is Jennie's live for real??? Crazy...rapping, singing, visuals....surprises me all the time...she's too good to be true...
Title: 'Young Street' Blackpink, and explosion of bubbly, sweet and lovely charms
Date posted: June 26, 2017
1.) [+665][-40] The song is really good ㅠㅠ
2.) [+578][-34] I heard the today's live and they sang really well
3.) [+458][-34] They're all pretty and so charming~^^ 'As if it's your last', let's do well!!!
4.) [+440][-35] The song is good and they're talented...the acrostic poem is also praiseworthy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5.) [+139][-10] Is their live for real ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ It was really good ㅠㅠㅠ The acrostic poem was witty as well
6.) [+141][-12] Definitely Blackpink
7.) [+127][-9] Rosé's vocal color was amazing today and her aegyo is the best. I hope they'll make more broadcast appearances!!
8.) [+120][-9] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So cute
9.) [+117][-11] Their live was daebak and they speak so prettily
10.) [+116][-12] Their live was no joke....it's like they swallowed the CD...I got goosebumps
11.) [+102][-8] Their live was daebak ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thought they were just playing a recording
12.) [+104][-9] I thought they were tough based on their performances, but they're so cute ㅋㅋㅋ
13.) [+115][-13] Our pretty kids...is their live for real? They did so well
14.) [+96][-8] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Blackpink is such a funny group
15.) [+88][-6] They're all so charming ㅠㅠㅠ I hope they continue to make more appearances
16.) [+78][-3] Blackpink
17.) [+98][-10] They're all so pretty!!
18.) [+93][-9] Please continue to give them more schedules~~ They were so cute today and exploding with charms
19.) [+82][-7] They're so cute ㅠㅠㅠ I like this increase in broadcasting activities
20.) [+69][-3] Their live was daebak~~ And this oppa ate