Title: 'Kpop star6', YG Blackpink surprise appearance
Source: Naver
Date posted: February 12, 2017
1.) [+178][-3] Blackpink is now YG's only girl group....feel strange ㅎ
2.) [+144][-3] I didn't think Blackpink would appear; should definitely watch this ㅋ Today is BPday with Jichu on Inki and Kpop star ㅋ
3.) [+134][-3] Yes some more of Blackpink
4.) [+122][-2] Today is BPday~~ I never even imagined, but I'm happy that I'll be able to see them twice~~
5.) [+118][-3] Because Blackpink is making an appearance, BPday ㅋㅋㅋ
6.) [+55][-2] Looking forward to it!!
7.) [+49][-2] Blackpink is coming out, should definitely watch it
8.) [+44][-2] Daebak, my YG feels are no joke. I'm definitely tuning into it live!!!! I love you Blackpink and am waiting for your comeback!!!♡♡
9.) [+39][-1] Yess!!!!!!
10.) [+34][-2] So when's Blackpink coming back?
Title: 'Kpop star6' Blackpink "YG girls, its like looking back on our trainee days"
Source: Naver
Date posted: February 12, 2017
1.) [+232][-10] It was so short, but I'm glad I was able to see them. Chaeng, don't cry ㅠㅠ
2.) [+209][-11] There's definitely a difference between trainees and a developed group...and Blackpink's visuals are shining
3.) [+187][-9] Their hearts are so beautiful
4.) [+184][-10] Cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jisoo's pretty
5.) [+184][-13] Blackpink's pretty
6.) [+94][-2] They look so sophisticated...
7.) [+93][-2] It's obvious that they're good kids, pretty babies
8.) [+90][-2] They looked so pretty. My heart ached when Rosé cried ㅠㅠ
9.) [+88][-2] Chaeng ㅠㅠㅠㅠ don't cry
10.) [+88][-3] Seriously, Blackpink's visuals...especially Jisoo....wow...
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